Why Arkote?
A reputation for quality and service built up over 60 years
As the World’s leading supplier of machine knives to the tobacco industry, Arkote delivers consistently high quality knives with excellent cutting performance. We provide our Global customers with peace of mind – optimum packing solutions and intelligent logistics mean your products arrive safely and you can rest easy everything arrives on time, looking its best.
Quality & Service
- Extensive experience of working with Global brand producers in over 80 countries
- A thorough knowledge of the requirements of tobacco manufacturing processes
- Approved manufacturer to major tobacco cutting and cigarette machine manufacturers
- Proven expertise in the manufacture of resilient and reliable machine knives
- Our commitment to ethical employment and environmental policies
- Extensive warehousing for stock of our best selling products
- SAP order processing system and dedicated staff for fast turnaround
- Fully compliant with Incoterms and global export legislation
- A commitment to partnerships in innovation / co-development of new products
- BS : EN ISO 9001 2015 accreditation

Arkote’s quality management system helps deliver products that not only meet our high quality standards but also exceed the expectations of industries that demand the very best levels of customer service.

Quality Systems
Our commitment to the principles of Kaizan, in our practice and philosophy of continuous improvement, mean that we strive each day to improve all parts of the company – from production to logistics. We believe that this adherence to the fundamental ideology of change for the better gives our customers the confidence to know that our products and service will be of the highest standards.
Our Lean manufacturing adopts the methodology of 5S within the organisation. This is at the heart of the way we work. Our commitment to these beliefs means we continue to be efficient and effective in order to be the very best partner to our customers.
Arkote produces tobacco processing machine knives to a consistently high standard. Our superior value products and first class service has been recognised in the awarding of the ISO9001 accreditation in 2010 and which has been maintained to present day. The award recognises the dedication and efforts of every member of the loyal Arkote workforce, who have helped establish Arkote as an internationally recognised brand standing for quality and service. Certification was granted by European Certification Ltd in respect of our Quality Management System applied in the field of manufacture and supply of industrial machine blades.
Arkote is also proud to represent the long standing brand of ‘Made in Sheffield’. To find out more about the brand, please visit: http://www.madeinsheffield.org

Company Values
With over 100 years of history our corporate objectives are clearly established. They help define the Fi-Tech group, are at the heart of everything we do and are the basis of our success.

Our Customers
We are passionate about quality and high levels of customer service. This is what drives us to continually improve every aspect of what we do in order to deliver an outstanding service to a worldwide market.

Our People
We strive to provide a safe, engaging and inclusive work environment for all employees and to recognise their collective and individual contributions to the company’s success. In doing so we look to employ people of integrity and passion that help drive the company forward through teamwork and collective effort.

Our Environment
We endeavour to be a responsible business with respect to the environment and apply the principle of sustainable development by meeting the needs of the present without compromising future generations.

We embrace change and are passionate about exploring new ideas and challenges. We have a vision for future transformation and a will to redefine what the company can become in a constantly changing world.
Advanced Manufacturing
Our past gives us our reputation, our future comes from innovation. Adoption of the latest manufacturing technologies ensures our customers receive consistently high quality tobacco machine knives on demand.
The Arkote management team is committed to the use of advanced manufacturing technology to improve our products and production processes. Our organisation leads the field in tobacco knife manufacturing by adopting new and innovative production technologies in order to remain competitive and add value to our knife and grinding wheel products.
Technology Adoption
Through connections with Sheffield Universities and the locally situated Advanced Manufacturing Research Park, Arkote engages in the rapid transfer of technology and skills into our manufacturing processes wherever practical.
Recent examples of our commitment to the use of advanced technology include the implementation of fully automated robotic systems and high efficiency deep grinding (HEDG) platforms. We are also committed to providing our experts with the latest material characteristic testing services by working with the National Physical Laboratory.

Established Reputation
With over 100 years’ experience in tobacco knife manufacturing, Arkote maintains a mixture of traditional and market leading technologies. We understand the importance of balancing volume and scale economies with labour and skill content.
Arkote adopts advanced manufacturing in order to provide our Global clients with:
- Durable products
- Reliable products
- Affordable products
- Available products
Management Methodologies
Arkote also employs advanced manufacturing by encompassing lean production techniques and enhanced supply chain integration in to our production management process scheduling. The Arkote archives contain over 60 years of tobacco knife and grinding wheel market intelligence, which has been deployed into our SAP Business One administration system.
This database ensures that our planning of raw materials and production capacity are optimally allocated to meet demand – meaning we all succeed in today’s competitive environment.

Anti Counterfeiting Policy
Counterfeiting has become a serious and growing problem for the global tobacco industry. It is a threat to our customers and therefore a threat to Arkote Ltd, which has served the tobacco industry since 1881. In most countries where Arkote Ltd sells its tobacco processing machine knives, counterfeiting is illegal.
The issue of counterfeiting is of critical importance to Arkote Ltd. We are dedicated to protecting our own knife brand and trademark and shall also assist our customers wherever possible to protect their brands and trademarks.
If Arkote Ltd is presented with evidence that a company or individual has been found guilty by competent authorities of counterfeiting any of our customers branded products, then Arkote Ltd will cease doing business with such customers and will also request our Agents and Distributors to do the same.
We have made our Agents and Distributors aware of this Anti-Counterfeiting Policy.
Arkote Limited
6 Parkway Rise
Sheffield, United Kingdom
S9 4WQ
Contact Us
Tel: 0114 262 6250
Email: sales@arkote.com
Office Hours
Mon-Thu: 8am – 4pm
Fri: 8:30am – 4pm
Sat-Sun: Closed